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sep-icon About

We are a small independent studio founded in 2019 in the Czech Republic. The studio consists of experienced game developers who have worked on many international titles under the brands of the companies listed below. When we were deciding what direction to take for our first game, we wanted to try something small but at the same time get a refresher on the latest trends and technologies, so we created a game on mobile platforms Parkour Hero : Zoo Run, the game was liked by Epic Games and we got a grant and some contacts.

Our game development mainly reflects current and innovative technologies. Combining our style of development with book adaptations is a way for us to show the gaming community that great games don't have to be made by big studios anymore.

Our main project at the moment is a PC/console game called Robinson Crusoe, which hasn't been announced yet. The game is in the full production phase and here we have fully capitalized on our years of experience in game studios as well as our newly gained experience working with the Unreal Engine.

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From the beginning, we've tried to keep our games at a high level, be it in terms of visuals, gameplay, story or technical processing. We know this is a bold path, but we are very motivated by the idea of what our future games will look like if we keep this direction.


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